Sure there is a nasty bug going around but is it really justified to collapse the world economy because of it? Is it really that dangerous? Or is there a darker agenda?
I have been having technical difficulties today so have had to make this broadcast in four parts plus one quick update. Sorry.
Disclaimer: I am not a doctor. Nothing in these videos is intended to replace or overrule any medical advice. Please listen to qualified medical professionals before you listen to me, Bill Gates or any politician.
UPDATE: I've just learnt that mercury is no longer an ingredient in British, EU and US vaccines. Apparently it was removed back in 2005. Sorry.
Jack Cox - Is totalitarianism the true virus? Part 1
Jack Cox - Is totalitarianism the true virus? Part 2
Jack Cox - Is totalitarianism the true virus? Part 3
Jack Cox - Is totalitarianism the true virus? Part 4
Jack Cox - Is totalitarianism the true virus? UPDATE / CORRECTION
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We don't have to hurtle headlong into totalitarianism. We can GET OFF OUR KNEES and do something about it. in my controversial little book, Love Not Fear, I explain how we can peacefully take back control and stop it all happening. This book isn't for babies. It will take some real men and real women to make the radical changes that need to be made, but we can do it.