VIDEO - Satanic Ritual Abuse

VIDEO - Satanic Ritual Abuse

vs religious freedom

In my book, Love Not Fear, I talk about freedom of religion. However I make a point of distinguishing between religious belief and religious practice.

Back in 2017 when I wrote the book I gave the example of human sacrifice. People criticised me then saying it was a thing of the past. Well here we are in 2020 very much aware that it's still going on and being regularly practiced by those right at the very top of society.

But please don't confuse Satanism, which is a dark, hate filled path, with Paganism which is an ancient path of love and light.

I go into more detail in my book, Love Not Fear


Satanic Ritual Abuse vs religious freedom - Part 1


Satanic Ritual Abuse vs religious freedom - Part 2

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We don't have to hurtle headlong into totalitarianism. We can GET OFF OUR KNEES and do something about it. in my controversial little book, Love Not Fear, I explain how we can peacefully take back control and stop it all happening. This book isn't for babies. It will take some real men and real women to make the radical changes that need to be made, but we can do it.

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