Love not Fear
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1984: what George Orwell got right

Save us all from fake liberals who want to control everything we think,
say and do, and from fake greens who are prepared to destroy the environment, AND THE ECONOMY, in the misguided pursuit of net zero.

George Orwell was a great prophet, Of course his predictions didn't actually come true in 1984. We had to wait a few more years, and he didn't give Klaus Schwab, who he called Big Brother, a German accent. Indeed, that soon after World War Two, it might have given the wrong message, but it's clear that Orwell was predicting the New World Order.

George Orwell wrote 1984 to teach people a lesson about the negative things that could happen if they allowed their government to exercise total control. The totalitarian regime of Oceania is able to manipulate it’s citizens into believing anything, which gives the party absolute power.

The book was set in 1984 in Oceania, one of three perpetually warring totalitarian states (the other two being Eurasia and Eastasia).

Oceania is governed by the all-controlling Party, which has brainwashed the population into unquestioning obedience to its leader, Big Brother.

Today we are supposed to believe that we have a choice of patries but more and more of us are starting to realise that both wings belong to the same bird. We have the illusion of choice but little more.

The Party in Oceania has created a propaganda language known as Newspeak, which is designed to limit free thought and promote the Party’s doctrines.

Its words include doublethink (belief in contradictory ideas simultaneously), which is reflected in the Party’s slogans: “War is peace,” “Freedom is slavery,” and “Ignorance is strength.”

The Party maintains control through the Thought Police and continual surveillance. Bit like now.

The main protagonists are Winston Smith of the Outer Party and O'Brien of the Inner Party. There is also Julia, Winston’s love interest and Emmanuel Goldstein, the leader of the resistance.

The story tells of the New World Order that arose following the nuclear war of 1965.

In the New Wold Order, atomic weapons were abolished, but not war.

Only by maintaining the strain, tension and fear of continual conflict could the ruling party keep it's absolute power.

But the rebel leader, and conspiracy theorist, Emmanuel Goldstein, believes that the war is not real, nothing the party says is true, nothing the party does is good, the party wants people to believe they are at war so as to channel their aggressions away from the party and keep them living in fear. Even Big Brother is not real, he says.

The real rulers are unknown, faceless manipulators, who because they are unknown, are able to wield unlimited power.

The people are being duped.

Goldstein claims that the party doesn't serve the people, it serves itself. The people are being turned into obedient, stupid slaves of the party.

The party drops bombs on it's own citizens. Was Orwell fortelling 9/11?

He urges the people to open their eyes and see the evil that is being done to them.

Does any of that sound familiar? Is any of that happening today? Are all the wars we read about really happening? Do our politicians actually serve the people? Or are they serving themselves while controlling us with fear?

Indeed, are the faces we see on our screens really running the show, or are they puppets of the ones who are really running things in secret?

Most of you watching this show already believe that they are puppets of Klaus Schwab and his World Economic Forum but are there others behind them pulling their strings?

But the people of Oceania would not listen. They called Goldstein a traitor for going against the party. They weren't listening then, they're not listening still, perhaps they never will.

How many friends have you lost over the last three years or so because you can see through the web of lies and they didn't want to? I know I have.

Our friends were not ready to have their eyes opened to the fact that the people are being controlled by fear, fear of war, fear of rising prices, fear of a man made virus,

And now we are starting to see a new plan unfolding. They are attacking the farmers so we can live in fear of hunger.

In the book, as in real life, thought was tightly controlled and censorship was the norm.

Winston Smith started to keep a diary, knowing that if he was caught, he could face a death sentence.

That hasn’t happened yet, as long as people keep their writings to themselves, but publish, as Julian Assange has done, and expect to rot in prison for a very long time.

In the book, spying equipment, known as telescreens, were installed in every home. Now that technology is more sneaky and goes by the names of smart TV, Alexia and Siri.

Orwell didn't foresee digital ID but he did have his characters forced to were ID badges whenever they left their homes.

Winston Smith's job was to rewrite history for the Ministry of Truth, a bit like a modern day fact checker.

Their screens tell them who to hate and what to believe, just like now.

They are encouraged to talk and think in Newspeak where everything is backwards. The language was altered and new dictionaries were issued.

Have you ever compared a modern dictionary with a 20 year old one or a 40 year old one? You might be surprised.

One of Orwell's characters says “It's a beautiful thing, the destruction of words. When the language is perfect the revolution will be complete. It's an encouraging thought that by 2050, not a single person will be able to have a conversation like this”.

Then he says “There is not a single piece of meat in this stew. Looks like meat, tastes like meat, doubleplus good”. Does that sound familiar? They are certainly pushing factory made fake meat on us now.

It was Party policy to destroy the nuclear family and to abolish the concept of love between a man and a woman.

Children had to loyal to the party rather than to their parents. Sound familiar?

In our time the party is heavily pushing homosexuality, transgenderism and the like on children in order to disrupt the natural order of things.

Big Brother drove people to hate and fear each other. The party was afraid of love because love makes a world they can't control.

Children were encouraged to spy on their parents, as happened here during the lockdowns.

JULIA said: They can make us say anything.

WINSTON replied: Yes but they can't make us believe it, they can't get inside our heads.

How wrong they were. By the end of the torture they had both betrayed each other and totally changed their view of reality.

Winston was given a book. After his arrest they tried to make him believe the book never existed, that he had a false memory of it.

Same thing with a photograph of two so-called traitors.

Everything fades into mist.
The past is erased.
The erasure forgotten
A lie becomes truth.
Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present, controls the past.
The party controls all records.
The party controls all memories.
Wars and rumours of wars.

If you include the cold war, The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) has been at war, almost continuously, since it was formed in 1949. And of course there was Korea and Vietnam which most NATO countries kept out off.

In accordance with the principles of doublethink it does not matter if the war is not real, or when it is, that victory is not possible. War is not meant to be won, it's meant to be continuous.

The essential act of modern warfare is the destruction of the produce of human labour.

A hierarchical society is only possible on the basis of poverty and ignorance.

In principle, the war effort is always planned to keep society on the brink of starvation.

The war is waged by the ruling group against its own subjects, and its object is not victory over the enemy but to keep the very structure of society intact. 

The past is forbidden that's why they are tearing down statues.

Your mind says that 2+2=4 but if the state says 2+2=5?

How many?

O’Brian gave Winston electric shocks then held up 4 fingers and asked him how many. He answered 4. More shocks followed until eventually he answered 5.

2+2=4 sometimes but if the state says 5 it's 5.

Today men can't have babies but if the state says they can then they can and it's unsafe to insist otherwise.

If the state says safe and effective is unwise to mention that the jab is killing people. A friend of mine just got a 7 day ban on YouTube for saying that. OK she wasn’t imprisoned or tortured but that could happen in the future.

1984 was a story of the future, but it ended by saying that it could be a story of our children, if we fail to preserve their heritage of freedom.

Well now that heritage of freedom is being dismantled before our eyes, day by day, and Orwell’s 1984 dystopia is fast becoming our cold reality. It’s still early days but its beginning.

If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot, stamping on a human face forever.

But it doesn’t have to be that way.

A better way is possible. We can turn it around before it’s too late. That is what my book and this channel is all about.

Every week we talk about something we can do to change things around.

It may be a healing modality to free us from the medical industrial complex.

It may be about a new way of thinking about our history so we can better understand where we may have come from as a species and where we are going.

It may be about the changing seasons so we can connect more closely with Mother Earth and the web of life on that keeps us all alive.

Or it may be about possible new economic or political ideas to set us free from the party.

The two things I am particularity excited about at the moment are community gardens and ‘don’t pay me back pay it forward’ communities.

I am heavily involved with a community garden here in Glastonbury, where I live, Glastonbury Healing Gardens. If you are in the area please do swing by. I am there every week, Tuesday to Friday, from about 11:15 onwards. Link in the shownotes.

And I am in the process of establishing an online ‘don’t pay be back pay it forward’ community called Let’s Help Each Other to Thrives where we just do things for one another with no money changing hands.

We need to be informed about what's wrong with the world, but not inundated.

Our habitual dominant thought patterns need to be on the utopian, 5h dimentional, New Earth we are trying to create.

We need to keep our vibration high.

A couple of years ago my lovely friend, Emma Barker-Hall made a very beautiful Co-creating The New Earth Together meditation. Here it is…

Love not Fear

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Please help me to continue spreading these world changing ideas. Thank you.


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