Jack Cox life changing videos

Love Not Fear Videos

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We are Here To Awaken From The Illusion of Separateness
Watch on RUMBLE

Let's celebrate the Autumn Equinox, the time of perfect balance
Watch on RUMBLE

How I Escaped From An Abusive Relationship, a personal account by Annie Day
Watch on RUMBLE

Would you like to live is a happy, peaceful world where everyone is free and always has enough?

My controversial little book sets out practical strategies YOU can implement straight away to make it happen. These are things we can all do TODAY without needing government approval, although I include a few government level ideas too.

Order your copy now

Love not Fear:
a new paradigm for the 21st century

by Jack Cox

We don't have to hurtle headlong into totalitarianism. We can GET OFF OUR KNEES and do something about it. in my controversial little book, Love Not Fear, I explain how we can peacefully take back control and stop it all happening. This book isn't for babies. It will take some real men and real women to make the radical changes that need to be made, but we can do it.

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